Sunday, August 2, 2020

I'm actually not sure how this will work but I wanted to create a space we can own. 

This blog seeks to create a space that carves out social media's agendas and (most importantly) a space that is not bombarded by political and current event opinions. I can jump over to FB/CNN/FOX/Twitter for that..which at times has a place. But really, and speaking on behalf of myself, I sometimes need a break..."I can be the village idiot" if that means, omitting media junk from my life....just say'n..

What seems to be missing in all Social Media platforms is the idea of a neutral ground. Hence why I'm moving to my own blog. 

I want to hear from YOU. 
I want to stay connected to YOU. 
I want to share my life with YOU. 
I just don't want current event cynicism to seep into my "meaningful intention" space.  (this blog)

Meaningful Intention Blog - is a place to hold close and protect from negativity. It's a place to celebrate the cool stuff in life. A fluid sharing of "good stuff". The things that uplift, not topics that make us question so so much. 

I guess you can call this blog - a personal "happy place or bubble"...I'm content living here. 

What's not allowed - (not cool)
  • Persuasive political nonsense
  • Bias agendas that seek to change someone's contentment to better there own
  • Selling of any type - save that for FB
  • Debby-downers. There's enough of that outside Meaningful Intention
What's allowed (smiley stuff)
  • Anything you'd be proud to put on your fridge
  • Exciting news that brings you joy
  • Family/friend updates
  • Virtual hugs - need one.. just ask
  • Cool things that make your life feel more meaningful
  • A movement to regain a sense of authentic sharing and connection
  • Day dreaming
What are the bigger topics on my social sharing mind...(in this space): 
  • Current and next adventures
  • How the chickens are doing and posting pics
  • Quality of life sharing.
  • Interesting articles (reinforcing responsible social media sharing..if unclear re-read the sections above again) - truth be told - I'm a geek when it comes to financial planning, retiring saving strategies, living in the moment, and un-extreme levels of exercise ... I' can Treadmill with the best of them... ;)

I'm sending out a number of lets give this a whirl and please post. 

I need some practice on how to figure this out... Together we can create a space that empowers, celebrates simplicity, reminds us of meaningful intentions, and demonstrates through example.